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    Bad Data Causes Ineffective Sales Workflows

    MD directory

    You may not realize it, but the efficiency of the workflow of your marketing team is entirely dependent on having quality data. When you have good data, you can spend less time looking for medical clients and ultimately have more revenue for your company. On the other hand, bad data can cause lost revenue, which can sometimes have catastrophic effects on your company. The good news is that using an MD directory can make your marketing campaigns more effective.

    What Causes Bad Data?

    Many times, bad data occurs because of physical addresses changing as companies move to new locations. Phone numbers often change, as well. Factor in CEOs changing and individuals retiring or relocating to new jobs, and it can be challenging for your company to keep your data clean. A healthcare directory can help you ensure that your information is up to date.


    One of the main problems with bad data is that it is not at all efficient. An average sales representative spends over 27 percent of their time dialing outdated numbers. When your company wastes valuable time contacting people with obsolete information, you are spending time and resources that could be used for a customer with the right contact information.

    Higher Costs

    Having the wrong data can also cost the company more money in the long run. This is because making up for bad data costs more money than getting the right data in the first place. When the data is incorrect, the employees must manually make any necessary changes. These employees will not be able to complete other essential tasks, as their time will be taken up fixing the data.

    Improving Efficiency at Your Company

    The good news is that you can quickly improve efficiency for your marketing team. MD Select’s online medical database is a comprehensive directory of tens of thousands of medical professionals. We work to keep the directory updated as soon as a change at a company happens. This will allow you to ensure that your data is always accurate.

    Closing Thoughts

    Bad data can have several adverse effects on your business, including inefficiency and higher operating costs. Having the right MD directory is imperative in today’s increasingly competitive world of marketing. Contact MD Select today to learn how our healthcare directory can help your business improve its marketing.

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