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    Facts‌ ‌You‌ ‌Didn’t‌ ‌Know‌ ‌About‌ ‌Medical‌ ‌B2B‌ ‌Sales‌ ‌Part‌ ‌1

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    doctors in Canada directory

    B2B healthcare marketing is a unique industry. The entire healthcare industry is constantly growing, as patient needs increase. The people working in the industry are highly educated, from doctors, physicians and nurses to hospital administrators, medical technicians and researchers. Finding your niche as a B2B sales person targeting such a massive Canadian industry requires knowledge and tools, including access to a medical doctor directory.

    Some Interesting Facts Affecting B2B Sales to Healthcare

    • Your customers are already making up their minds before your first contact. As many of 60 to 90 percent of B2B buyers will conduct their own research before reaching out to a vendor and/or making a purchase. It’s why using your MD Select healthcare directory to find high-value targets to which you can market is vital to your success.
    • Your sales efforts are going to take a long time. Less than 50 percent of B2B healthcare sales are made within the first six months of making contact. Dealing with long sale cycles is a reality every company working in B2B sales to the healthcare industry has to deal with. It makes it more important to target using your doctors in Canada directory, so you’re not wasting time chasing after unqualified leads
    • Closing a deal could take a long time. According to Colony Health, one in five B2B healthcare sales take over a year to close. As a rep, you need patience, perseverance, and a pipeline full of qualified leads. That’s where MD Select’s medical doctor directory comes in
    • Healthcare facilities are investing in connected health technologies. As a B2B sales rep, this presents a great chance for B2B sales of medical technologies and software platforms designed to help move administration of hospitals and clinics forward with better efficiently. The entire industry is changing, so as a B2B sales rep you have to adapt to the changes or get left behind.
    • Optimization of all your digital assets is critical. Your website especially must be optimized for mobile, as that’s where people are doing most of their searching. To find you and have a great user experience with your brand, your website has to be state-of-the-art.

    Subscribe to MD Select to Help Overcome Marketing Challenges

    When it comes to profile and contact information on active physicians, medical specialists and nurse practitioners, MD Select’s medical directory online offers data on over 91,000 medical professionals currently active in the Canadian healthcare industry. That’s an incredible resource for B2B sales people looking to fill their funnel with qualified leads, which is vital given the long sales cycle inherent in sales to the medical industry. With a couple of relevant searches through the database using the right key words, you can focus in on high-value targets that would make excellent prospects for purchase of your products or services. This is more than just a list of names; it’s a database featuring comprehensive personal profiles of the key decision makers who can greenlight purchases of your products. Use it to grow your sales to the healthcare industry.

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