Ruolz Ariste, Program Lead, Physician Information,
Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI)
Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) provides essential information on Canada’s health system and the health of Canadians. The demands of managing their existing Medical Database, ensuring its accuracy and integration of new medical information became a challenge. CIHI’s Medical Data is compared and analyzed annually. This analysis determines trends in the medical profession to help project the areas that most require medical skills, resources and funds to be allocated to them.
In 1994 CIHI inherited Scott’s Medical Data from Health Canada, with data dating back from 1968. As Canada’s #1 Leading Medical Data provider, Scott’s Directories was the solution to delivering and incorporating this existing Medical Data to CIHI data holding. Knowing Scott’s Medical Data is continuously verified and updated allowed CIHI to no longer have to manage this entirely in-house, allowing them to focus primarily on the analysis of the data.
The quality and accuracy of Scott’s Medical Data is intrinsic to CIHI’s ability to accurately analyze and compare trends year over year and as such, inform the Provincial and Federal Governments which medical resources, skills and specialists are needed across Canada.
CIHI is very pleased with the outstanding customer service that Scott’s provides, and looks forward to continuing the partnership for years to come.
CIHI, in partnership with Scott’s Medical Directories, along with the Federal and Provincial Governments and members of Health Organizations, contributes to the well-being of all Canadians.