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    The Role of Intent Data in the Healthcare Industry

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    Intent data in healthcare industry

    To stay ahead of the competition every sales and marketing team needs to find innovative ways to embrace cutting edge sales tools to generate revenue. One of the most incisive tools available to marketers targeting the healthcare industry is intent data, volumes of which you can find in an Alberta physician directory.

    What Is Intent Data and Why You Should Be Compiling It

    Simply put, intent data is behavioural information. It combines both topic and context data collected about an individual’s online activities. Every time you conduct a search on the internet, you are demonstrating your interest in that topic. Using tools that help compile data on individuals working in the healthcare profession – from physicians to hospital management to health care clinic owners — helps you craft a stronger sales approach for your B2B outreach to them. Knowing levels of context related to the data is extremely helpful for B2B marketers as well. For example, which healthcare organization does the person you’re targeting work for? Searching through an Alberta physicians directory, you can quickly determine all manner of relevant demographic information about a potential target. If you’re targeting heart surgeons in Calgary, you can use the online database available through MD Select to conduct a quick search of surgeons to generate an up-to-date list; focus in on one individual, and with a few more easily conducted searches, you can have name, address, his or her graduating university, doctorates, languages spoken and more. To effectively utilize intent data, you also need context. Without proper context, you’d be wasting time and budget engaging with potential prospects who show all the relevant behavioural signs but who will most likely never become customers because they have no use for your products.

    How Do You Use Intent Data?

    What does intent data mean for the data-driven marketer? Using it is definitely a smart way to increase predictive power and ultimately, your revenue. Conducting an Ontario physician search via MD Select’s online database will reap you all kinds of useful information for your B2B marketing efforts targeting medical professionals in Ontario. However, doing a deeper dive through use of intent data helps establish predictive behavioural models that can exploit every aspect of a potential prospect’s behaviour. With that information, you can quickly identify high-value prospects and predict which are most likely ready to buy, consume or utilize your products. Knowing that allows you to put laser-sharp focus on the right prospects.

    There are many ways to maximize your revenue, including the online database offered by MD Select.

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