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    Conducting B2B Sales to Hospitals in a Time of Crisis

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    selling to hospitals

    While it’s not quite business as usual, there are many professions that have to continue to operate during a global pandemic like the one brought on by the COVID-19 crisis. B2B sales reps who are targeting the medical profession with their products and services are in fact busier than usual as they deal with supply chain issues that can hamper access to vital medical supplies. As a result, smart B2B marketers are subscribing to online medical databases like MD Select to aid in selling to hospitals.

    Effective Strategies to Sell to Hospitals

    Customizing your sales pitch to your client is an important strategy no matter what industry your client is involved with. Here are five important strategies to use when conducting B2B marketing in hospitals.

    1)  Avoid Miscues by Doing Effective Research: Hospital administrators are busy people. If you’re lucky enough to connect with the person who can greenlight purchases, you don’t want to blow your opportunity. That means using online medical databases like MD Select to do intense research and find all the information you need to make an effective pitch.

    2) Hospitals Like Accurate Data: Getting clean data to support your pitch is critical. Medical administrators live and breathe numbers, so evidence-based sales proposals are necessary to engage your target with facts.

    3) Time Is a Sellable Commodity: If you have a product or service that can help hospitals reduce wait time, increase administrative efficiency, or simply allow medical staff to do complete procedures in a quicker fashion, you are going to gain an audience with someone at a hospital. Time isn’t just money, it can be critical to patients, especially during a pandemic.

    4) Focus on Performance, Not on Cost: When talking to doctors and physicians who literally hold lives in their hands, it’s not always about what a tool costs. Usually, the best approach to selling is focusing on what your product or service can do to make things easier for the person using it. Doctors like high-quality products, not the cheapest ones.

    5) Establish Credibility: Use your pitch to talk about other facilities and medical professionals that use your product. Talk about the benefits, and how much it can help. Doctors like to know a product is well tested and reliable before allocating limited funds to purchase. It’s how to sell to hospitals regardless of your product.

    Search MD Select for Information on Hospitals

    Use MD Select to search for the right contacts at hospitals. Customize your pitch to the person who makes the decisions.

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